CUI Disease Vocabulary Name in Vocabulary Code
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease DO hand, foot and mouth disease 10881
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease EFO hand, foot and mouth disease 0007294
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ICD10 Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem B08.4
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ICD10CM Hand, foot and mouth disease B08.4
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ICD10CM Enteroviral vesicular stomatitis with exanthem B08.4
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ICD9CM Hand, foot, and mouth disease 074.3
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease ICD9CM Hand, foot & mouth dis 074.3
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease MONDO hand, foot and mouth disease 0005779
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease MSH Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease D006232
C0018572 Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease NCI Hand Foot and Mouth Disease C128439