CUI Disease Vocabulary Name in Vocabulary Code
C0265660 Syndactyly of the toes HPO Webbed toes HP:0001770
C0265660 Syndactyly of the toes HPO Syndactyly of feet HP:0001770
C0265660 Syndactyly of the toes HPO Syndactyly of toes HP:0001770
C0265660 Syndactyly of the toes HPO Foot syndactyly HP:0001770
C0265660 Syndactyly of the toes HPO Toe syndactyly HP:0001770
C0265660 Syndactyly of the toes HPO Fused toes HP:0001770
C0265660 Syndactyly of the toes ICD10 Webbed toes Q70.3
C0265660 Syndactyly of the toes ICD10CM Webbed toes Q70.3