CUI Disease Vocabulary Name in Vocabulary Code
C1844678 Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation DO sensorineural hearing loss 10003
C1844678 Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation MONDO X-linked mixed deafness with perilymphatic gusher 0010576
C1844678 Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation MONDO progressive deafness with stapes fixation 0011080
C1844678 Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation MSH Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation C536424
C1844678 Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation OMIM PERILYMPHATIC GUSHER-DEAFNESS SYNDROME 304400
C1844678 Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation OMIM DEAFNESS, X-LINKED 2 304400
C1844678 Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation ORDO Progressive deafness with stapes fixation 3235
C1844678 Progressive hearing loss stapes fixation ORDO X-linked mixed deafness with perilymphatic gusher 383